I have been a "real" woman for quite some time now. I went from girl to woman all of a sudden it seems the year I turned 11 and got my very first period. What an event that was... OK, if any guy is reading this you might find it a tad TMI... That said, I remember when I was younger that my periods were, well, heavy. Not only did they like to stay with me for a while but they loved to disrupt my sleep every night when they were there. And, I didn't know when they would return. Sometimes after 28 days, some times 30 and even once I waited a whole 40 days before they returned.
Well, time went by and I had my first child and all my "period" problems went away. I was predictable to the hour, didn't have any discomfort and they lasted for 3 days tops. I thought I had been blessed by some benevolent Goddess who understood that if you endure 28 hours of labor you're entitled to some kindness.
I also thought that if I ate right, exercised, didn't smoke,lived a healthy lifestyle all around, my womanhood would slowly and gracefully wither and die by the time I turned 50. Well let me tell you one thing. It's not happening. This "period" thing is taking me back to my teens! Pimples, cramps, moodiness, sore breasts, and, of course, you don't know when they'll be there. They just show up when they feel like it, which is quite often if you ask me. Yes, I'm probably very moody as I sit at my computer writing this and that's why I'm going on and on about it.
The thing is, I didn't find much literature about pre-menopause or at least something that doesn't tell me what I already know : It's the period, that lasts from 5 to 7 years before you hit menopause (and all your problems go away). I know I shouldn't complain when most of my peers suffer from heat flashes during the day and night (although I suspect my training having something do to with this) but this heavy menstruation thing is getting to me.
Firstly, I cramp like a 13 year old. It really hurts and I'm not sissy. I know because I gave birth to 4 beautiful boys naturally. And the bleeding is quite heavy which leaves me feeling weak and fatigued for a few days afterwards. I miss my workouts and that makes me even grumpier...
Besides that I put in some very nice runs last week. I'm happy with my progression and I'm being really careful with my mileage as to not repeat the same mistakes twice and end up injured before a race. I entered the Scotia Bank Montreal half marathon on April 17th www.canadarunningseries.com/monthalf/index.htm it's a nice half on a mostly flat surface and is very well organized.
But for now, I'll just plop myself on the sofa, take 2 more Tylenol and cuddle up to my big black cat.
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